1. payments and fees

Melbourne Neurology is a private medical practice. All services attract a Medicare rebate and as a private practice out-of-pocket fee is charged. The fees for each service depend on the length, complexity and procedures related to any consultation or assessment. If a nerve study test/EMG study test is performed in addition to the consultation on the day, the test is usually bulkbilled. Please speak to the receptionist staff when making an appointment to inquire about fees relevant to your health care status.

2. hours

Monday to Friday 9am to 5 pm. (Except public Holidays)

3. work cover/TAC patients

Dr. Seneviratne provides consultations and nerve/EMG studies for workcover and TAC patients who have valid and approved claims. The relevant approval letters from Insurance agencies or TAC are required on the day of the consultation.

4. referral forms

Download referral forms for referring patients for consultations/Neurophysiology studies. These forms are to be used by referring medical practitioners only.

5. patient information

Please bring your Medicare/Healthcare/DVA Card as well as a valid referral from your General Practitioner/Specialist on the day of the consultation. Please bring any relevant CT/MRI films, Blood test results and relevant past Medical records for the consultation.


Download referral forms for referring patients for consultations/Neurophysiology studies. These forms are to be used by referring medical practitioners only.